What is involved in the Treatment?

During a first consultation (which may last 60-90 minutes), I will ask questions to help gain a detailed understanding of who you are and what your complaints are (be they physical, emotional etc). A Homeopathic prescription is then tailored to suit each individual patient, hence the more information you are able to provide during your consultation, the more useful this will be to the process of matching the homeopathic remedy to the individual.

In addition, you will be asked questions relating to your family and medical history, your general energy levels, diet etc. 

Anything discussed during a consultation is treated in the strictest confidence.

Starting the Treatment

I will give you a remedy(s), together with instructions on how and when to take the remedy correctly. Remedies should be stored in a cool dark place and not in close proximity to any strong smells.

What to expect after taking a remedy

Given that Homeopathic prescriptions are tailored to the individual, each person may react in a different way to the remedy given. One person may feel an improvement in their symptoms very quickly, another may notice a change within a few days, another person may notice a slight aggravation of their symptoms prior to any improvement. 

How long will the treatment take?

This is generally dependent on the nature of the illness being treated. A complaint which has been ongoing for several years may take longer to improve than an acute complaint which has only recently arisen. Generally, you should notice an improvement in your symptoms and feeling of general well being during the period of treatment.

It is useful to keep a note of how you respond to the remedies taken. This information will be discussed at your follow up consultation. 

What to bring with you to your first consultation

  • A list of all medicines currently being taken
  • Brief details of your medical and family history (major illnesses, operations, recurring problems)